Personality models: Insights, MBTI, Big Five

We have experience with the most commonly used personality models for (individual and) team coaching.

Insights Discovery is an accessible model that gives people more insight in themselves and others. The color model is based on the psychological preferences of Carl Gustav Jung. Insights links these to 4 colors. They give you insight into your own reactions and behavior and help you to understand why other people show very different behavior.

MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a similar instrument that indicates people's preferred behavior on the basis of 4 dimensions. It is used worldwide for personal development, team development and organizational development. Instead of colors, letters are used to represent your profile (e.g. ENTJ, ISFP...).

Big Five refers to the 5 traits it distinguishes. It is based on the terms we spontaneously use to describe persons. It indicates on a scale how high a person scores on e.g. conscientiousness and openness.

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Personality models: Insights, MBTI, Big Five

Personality models: Insights, MBTI, Big Five

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