"The 7 C’s of teamwork” by Salas & Tannenbaum

We often use this model as a capstone, or diagnostic tool:

1. Capabilities       

Does the team have the right people on board with the right competences, knowledge and experience?

2. Cooperation      

Does the team have the right attitude? Are the team members happy to be on the team?

3. Coordination     

Does the team behave as a team?

4. Communication 

Do the team members communicate effectively with each other and beyond?

5. Cognition 

Is there a common understanding in the team of priorities, roles, vision, etc.?

6. Coaching 

Do the leader and the team members show leadership?

7. Conditions

Are the conditions favorable (e.g., resources, culture, ...)?

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"The 7 C’s of teamwork” by Salas & Tannenbaum

"The 7 C’s of teamwork” by Salas & Tannenbaum

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